Blog Post

The FlexMedical Sales Process

Jan 4


The FlexMedical Sales Process

So, your practice has decided to go electronic. Chances are, if you're reading this now, YOU are the lucky person designated to begin the search. As the Vice President of Sales, I'm thankful that you're taking the time to check us out.


It's my hope that much of the information you'll find on our website will answer most of the questions you may have regarding FlexMedical and, in turn, provide you some insight on how we take care of the medical practices that choose to use FlexMedical.


With that being said, I think it's important for everyone that's considering FlexMedical to know that our sales and implementation process may be somewhat different than what most are used to when dealing with an EHR vendor. Here are a few of those differences.


Absolutely ZERO Paper-Based Marketing Material

That's right. That means no paper product brochures. Period. A large portion of information about FlexMedical is on our website, with the rest being best presented in a personalized demo based on your specific needs.


We don't mail out information or have brochures made up for three reasons:


  • We are trying to facilitate medical practices to be paperless, so what does it say about us if WE are inundating practices with a ton of paper-based marketing material?

  • It helps us keep our costs lower which allows us to invest in more important resources, such as R&D, that provide our clients with a superior product

  • It's part of our effort in going green


Up-front, Simple to Understand Pricing Models

I believe in straight-forward pricing for our software licensing, training, and software support. The last thing I want to do is waste someone's time with hidden or hard-to-understand pricing.


Check out our upfront pricing page or go to our online quoting tool that will allow you to generate a ballpark figure without having to contact a salesperson. If for any reason you feel that you can't easily find the information you need about our pricing, I'd like to hear about it. Please email me directly at .


Truly Helpful Sales People

When you decide that you're ready to take the next step and contact FlexMedical, I pledge the following:


  • Timely responses to all your inquiries

  • As many demos as it takes until you feel FlexMedical is the right fit

  • Straight answers to any direct question you may have regarding FlexMedical's functionality

  • Honesty. Let me say that again. Honesty.


I mention that last point twice because I will not tolerate salespeople that will say literally anything to get a sale. While I'm on the topic of what I don't tolerate from my sales team, I'll add "pushy", "manipulative", "arrogant", and "condescending". If your experience with a salesperson from FlexMedical is anything less than stellar, please let me know.


Clear Implementation Expectations

When we've had the opportunity to visit with medical practices that implemented other EHR systems, a majority of those practices were not satisfied with the intial implementation process.


I think it's prudent to briefly mention implementation here because its not usually given a lot of attention during the sales process. That's a shame, because its a part of the process that's key to the success of the whole project.


I hope you'll take a moment to visit our Key to a Great Implemenation post so you can see what's involved in the process and our approach to preparing for it.

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