
government and industry information

EHR Buyer's Guide

Learn some of the things to look for when shopping for a new EHR. We've pulled together several tips to help you avoid making a costly mistake.


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Meaningful Use

On July 13, 2010, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) released the final ruling for an incentive program aimed at encouraging practitioners to adopt EMR / EHR technology. The program includes 3 stages of implementation with each building upon the requirements of the prior stage. Providers are currently in Stage 1 with Stage 2 requirements not becoming effective until 2014.


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ICD-10 is the latest version of the standard for identifying and classifying diseases and conditions. The current version, ICD-9, has been in use for many years and the Department of Health and Human Services has dictated that the industry should adopt ICD-10 to gain the greater granularity of specificity that the new version provides. The transition has been delayed several times, the latest of which occurred in August 2012. The current deadline for compliance is October 1, 2014.


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ANSI X12 5010

On January 1, 2012, standards for electronic health care transactions changed from version 4010/4010A1 to version 5010. These electronic health care transactions include functions like claims, eligibility inquiries, and remittance advices.


FlexMedical was fully compliant with ANSI X12 5010 as of January 1, 2012 for all payers.


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