Why FlexMedical?

Why FlexMedical?

We strive to stand out from the bunch. Here's how we do it.

Supported by a Company That Cares

Our company was founded to not only use technology in innovative ways to improve healthcare, but to do so with a higher level of customer service than most expect from a company these days. We are proud of what we do, and we strive to not only meet our customers' expectations, but exceed them. For more information about the how and why of what we do, see our story and the message from the CEO.

FlexMedical Was Designed, Not Acquired

FlexMedical is a wholistic approach to managing a modern medical office. It was designed from the ground up to operate in harmony as a single system. Many of our competitors have pieced together systems resulting from forced acquisitions and it shows in the end product. We are a single team working on a single integrated product to bring consistency and an excellent user experience into the limelight where it belongs.

We Never Pressure You To Buy Anything

You should buy a product because it makes your life easier, not because a salesperson pressured you. If our product isn't a good fit for your needs, more than likely we will be the one to tell you, not the other way around. Taking pride in what we do means we want a customer to be satisfied, and you can't be satisfied if you buy something that isn't a good fit for your needs.

We Don't Outsource

When you go through our sales process, you are dealing directly with us - not a consultant. If you become a customer, you are supported directly by our support team - not by contractors. And, that team is based 100% in the U.S.

Built On A Strong Platform

FlexMedical's integrated design gives us opportunities to incorporate technology and workflow management in ways others just can't match. Here are a few features of its strong core:

  • Completely Integrated

    FlexMedical was developed from the ground up as a single product encompassing all the functionality for EHR and practice management. It is not a pieced together product through countless aquisitions. The FlexMedical experience is seamless and intuitive.

  • A Single Login

    Users only have one application and one login to remember and maintain.

  • Single Shared Database

    FlexMedical shares a single database amongst all its modules and functionality. This means your office never enters data twice. Demographic information is consistent and up-to-date at all times across clinical, billing, and scheduling functions.

  • Security

    HIPAA and HITECH demand high security for patient data. FlexMedical's robust security and logging features make it easy to manage what data users can access and monitor that usage. Security revolves around "groups" with a specific set of permissions for every feature in the system. Users can then be assigned, even moved at any time, to these groups. Full logging tracks the user, data type, and changes made to easily see who modified what and when.

  • Support for the Latest Standards and Industry Certifications

    FlexMedical supports industry standards such as ANSI X12 5010 and is certified for Meaningful Use stage 1.

We Invite Feedback

While we can't possibly implement every feature that our customers could want, we at least want to hear about it. Believe it or not, many of our competitors won't even listen to suggestions presented by their customers. Feedback gives us insight into how FlexMedical is being used on an everyday basis. We can then use that information to decided what improvements we can make to further refine the experience for all of our customers.

Committed to the Future

Meeting current regulations is never enough in healthcare - there is always something new on the horizon. We are committed to ensuring FlexMedical's continued compatibility with future regulations and industry standards. FlexMedical is not a "legacy" application that changes only when the industry forces it to - it is actively developed and continuously being improved upon.

Ready to Know More?

FlexMedical is a flexible and robust product with a large assortment of features. To best get a feel for what FlexMedical can specifically do for you, schedule a no-pressure demo today.